In December 1997, the Company achieved ISO 9002 Certification for their Quality Management System. With its full commitment for continual improvement, it has been upgraded to QS 9000 Certification on December 1998 and eventually to ISO 9001:2000 version on May 2005.
Cebu Chip Connections, Inc. recognizes the total value of utmost satisfaction of our customers, stakeholders, employees and other interested parties.
The management and staff of Cebu Chip Connections, Inc. have committed themselves to comply with the requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. Everyone who works for or on behalf of CCC is expected to ensure ownership for quality by putting the customer first in everything we do. Our QMS is our main tool in achieving the total value to providing the Highest Quality of Bonding Wires to our customers. These total values are ensured through:
It is the task of management to take the lead in this quality concept. This concept must be translated to all employees of Cebu Chip Connections, Inc., and reinforced by management to ensure understanding and commitment to all organizational levels.
Hermes P. Retardo Evangeline S. Talaid Joel B. Son Production Manager Admin & Finance Manager Engineering Manager Grace P. Daria Aaron Au Quality Manager/Deputy QEMR Operations Director/QEMR Dr. Peter Douglas President / CEO
Cebu Chip Connections, Inc. recognizes the importance and total value of protecting and preserving the Environment through our commitment to be environmental friendly at all times, manage our operational processes in an environmentally responsible manner. We will manufacture our Bonding Wire products by designing and operating our machineries and facilities to make efficient use of resources and to prevent pollution and contaminations.
These total values of commitment are ensured through:
This Environmental Policy shall be communicated and disseminated to all levels of employees within the organization and externally to the public, customers, suppliers, sub-contractors and other interested parties upon request.
Hermes P. Retardo Evangeline S. Talaid Joel B. Son Production Manager Admin & Finance Manager Engineering Manager Emergency & Response Resources & Medical PCO II / SO II Grace P. Daria Aaron Au Quality Manager/Deputy QEMR Operations Director/QEMR PCO I / SO I EH&S Committee Chairman Dr. Peter Douglas President / CEO
Cebu Chip Connections, Inc. recognizes the importance and total value of Occupational Health and Safety in all its operational activities in order to protect the health and safeguard everyone who works for, or on behalf of CCC from physical harm, illness and shall always keep and maintain a hazard free working environment thru continual monitoring, review and improvement of its methods, changes to work, practices and resources.
These total values of commitment are ensured through:
This OH&S policy shall be communicated and disseminated to all levels of employees within the organization and externally to the public, contractors, suppliers and other interested parties upon request.
Hermes P. Retardo Evangeline S. Talaid Joel B. Son Production Manager Admin & Finance Manager Engineering Manager Emergency & Response Resources & Medical PCO II / SO II Grace P. Daria Aaron Au Quality Manager/Deputy QEMR Operations Director/QEMR PCO I / SO I EH&S Committee Chairman Dr. Peter Douglas President / CEO
In respond to the call of global concerns for preservation and protection of environment, the company has extended its commitment to establish, implement and embark a certification on Environmental Management System (ISO 14001: 1996) version on May 2002, and has been upgraded to 2004 version on May 2005.